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Coach With Dr. LaKeisha McGee


Coaching is a collaborative process in which a trained professional (the coach) helps navigate you (the client) to bridge the gap that improves your performance and achieve your identified personal goals. This form of development supports you in overcoming your obstacles, maximizing your options, and increasing your potential for a better quality of life.


One of the most common reasons people report for wanting to work with a coach is the feeling of being "stuck” in meaningless situations. When circumstances such as this occur, Coaching can be successful only if the client (you) are able to discuss every aspect of an issue or challenge with your coach. All information shared is confidential, of course.



The Clifton Strengths finder assessment is a personal development tool created by the Gallup Organization. The purpose of this assessment is to help individuals identify their Top 5” strengths and 34” supporting strengths.

Upon effective implementation, a team should shift maximizing productivity and increasing morale throughout the organization.

Coaches are trained to help you flourish by helping you focus on doing more of what you naturally do best. We work with you to understand your strengths and weaknesses and how to manage both more effectively.

We also teach teams how to work better together by understanding each person’s Clifton Strengths.



$150.00 | (60 Mins Per Session)
Strategic 1-on-1 session is designed to stretch you and give you the strength to become more focused on your goals.
  • G-oals – What do you want to achieve?
  • R-eality – What’s your current situation?
  • O-bstacles – What is stopping you from achieving your goal and what outcome would you like to see?
  • W-ill – What actions are you going to take to achieve your goal?

(6 / 8 / 10 session packages available.)



$997.00 | 6 Week Sessions (90 Mins Per Session)
Now that you’re stretched, let’s pull!
6-week strategy sessions designed to help pinpoint a plan of action for success.
  • C-oachable allowing you to grow and master your emotions to make clear decisions.
  • L-earn to identify and remove the roadblocks to your success and make logical decisions.
  • A-ccelerate towards achieving your greatest goals by becoming accountable to yourself.
  • R-esilient and able to recover quicker.
  • I-nspired to push through obstacles by Identifying your passion and purpose with more clarity.
  • T-enacious to not to be easily dispelled when obstacles occur.
  • Y-es being open and prepared for opportunities as they come!


$597.00 | 6 Week Sessions (60 Mins Per Session)
6-week strategic group sessions designed for 6 clients to maximize personal development (group work can be tailored to meet the personalities of the group).
  • G-uidance through collaborative team work to devise a plan of action for achieving your greatest goals and growth for success.
  • O-wnership on executing your plan.